Friday, October 28, 2011


Blessed is the Nation who's GOD is the LORD Psalm 33:12

God has given us this nation. To abandon our nation to the ungodly is an open rejection of both common sense and biblical principles.

With out action from God's people, we will not, as a nation, survive the judgement of God and only prayer is our open line to Heaven for God's blessing upon our nation. So, God's people instead of murmuring, swearing and uttering bad words or negative words for our country, why not do the contrary instead. Let's make it a habit to always peak blessing and goodness for our country. Let's make it a habit to always whisper a prayer everyday for God's blessing to our country.

Let's PRAY that God will continually bless our nation.
Let's Believe that God will continually use us to bless other nations.
Let's achieve more to be a model to other nations.
Let's be proud of our nation.


I am not a member of JIL movement but I believed that it is God who gave Bro. Edie the wisdom to launch this campaign, God Bless the Philippines Global online Prayer for our Nation. In support, I also made this blog directing you to their official website.

But before leaving my blog, please leave a PRAYER FOR OUR NATION in a comment section below and make it a habit always, to say a prayer,post everywhere


Thanks for visiting my blog and may God bless the Filipinos around the world and May God Bless the Philippines...


WE, all Filipinos and Christians from all groups and denominations, all believers of God Who is Creator of heaven and earth, in common passionate love for our beloved country the Philippines, this 28th day of October, 2011 in the year of our Lord, in public assembled, hereby declare:

THAT we affirm and re-affirm the Preamble of our Constitution, and therefore we hereby invoke the aid of the Almighty God to please, O Lord God Almighty, please help our nation build a just and humane society, establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality and peace!;

THAT in this spirit of the Preamble, and mindful of God’s Holy Word, “Unless the Lord Builds the house, they labor in vain that build it,” “blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,” we hereby consecrate ourselves to the great cause and the daily habit of praying for the blessing of the nation;

THAT accordingly, we hereby commit ourselves, with the aid of the Great Spirit of the Living God, at twelve o’clock of everyday, or at any other time convenient and practical, wherever we may find ourselves anywhere in the world, to verbally utter and say, GOD BLESS THE PHILIPPINES!;

THAT we shall help one another, the members of our families, churches, groups, friends, acquaintances, peers, and fellow citizens to say this verbal prayer at least once a day everyday, that it may form part of our daily habit and lifestyle, so that the Philippines may be covered with this prayer of blessing 24 hours a day, everyday, every year, and for always!;

And that along with this daily nation-blessing prayer habit, we shall do everything, by word and deed, by our conduct, behavior and utterances, to actually and physically bless our nation and people!;


In Jesus’ name, amen and amen!

First to post a prayer at last oct.28,2011

#1 Noynoy Aquino 2011-10-28 19:18
Dear God please make us instruments of your will.

#2 bro. Eddie Villanueva 2011-10-28 19:19
God Bless the Philippines!
God Bless PNOY!

Post a prayer for our country


  1. Thanks for visiting this blog leave a prayer... God bless you all...

  2. God please enlighten the mind and heart of everyone of us so we'll be able to glorify Your Most Holy Name.. Amen!

  3. God bless the President
    God bless the Filipinos

    God bless the Philippines
    God bless the Philippines
    God bless the Philippines

  4. God thank you for blessing the Philippines with bountiful natural resources. Thank you for blessing our country with talented and creative filipinos.Above all thank you for the NEW SEASON which our country is now starting to God be the Glory!

  5. Lord thank you for your blessing that gave to the filipino people. And also bless the president of the philippines to give the best to make the philippines be the most famous country in the whole wide world. Bless also the filipino OFW and the artist to bless there talent thank you jesus

  6. Lord God Heavenly Father, thank you for this wonderful day. May you continually bless the Filipino people in and out of the country, that we may able to survive daily circumstances and may PEACE and HARMONY reign SUPREME..
    This we ask in Jesus name . Amen.

  7. Lord, I declare Blessing for the nation of the Philippines and for the Filipino people everywhere around the world. I pray that Peace that surpasses all understanding will reign from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. I pray for our leaders headed by our president and I ask you to speak to him and help him not to depend on his advisers but to depend on your spoken Word. This I ask in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!

  8. Our loving Heavenly Father, thank you for our country Philippines. Thank you for our spiritual and government leaders. Thank you for Filipino families. Thank you for the faith in you that you have put in the hearts of the Filipinos. Thank for teaching your people to trust in you. Thank you for the natural resources and the privisions you have provided for every Filipino families. Thank you for the peace and order that the Philippines have now. Thank you men, women and children of the Philippines. Thank you for the good plan you have for the Philippines. Thank you for the Filipino strentgh in times of adersity. Thank you for the gift of prayer and the promise that you hear our prayers. Thank you for your goodness and faithfulness. I Bless you Father GOD, the one and only true GOD, in the name of Jesus your son our LORD, Amen.

  9. God Bless the Philippines!
    God Bless the Philippines!
    God Bless the Philippines!
    God Bless and Presidents and his cabinets.
    Arise oh nation!Believe in your God--the maker of heaven and the earth.May the Lord take up His holy throne over all this land. Blessings be upon to you! May all my fellow country men experience the love of the living God!
    Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao is for Christ!No eyes has seen, no ears has heard, no mind has conceived what the Lord has prepared for you.In Jesus name, Amen.

  10. Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other. You are awesome, there is no one like You and You alone is worhty of all our praises. God of heaven and earth pour out Your great outpouring on us, let Your love overflow on us. Make us holy Father God. God bless Philippines. God bless Israel. God bless JIL people. In Jesus Mighty name, Amen.

  11. God Bless The Philippines
    God Bless The Philippines
    God Bless The Philippines
    I Declare More Overseas Filipino Workers will come home. I declare more jobs and businesses will flourish so that more Filipinos will experience breakthroughs after breakthroughs in the area of finances. I declare more expose in the government

  12. We have faith, God will bless our country. He is in process, shaking our government especially those in position and authority in AFP and PNP.

  13. 1. LORD, even just for once in our entire history as a nation, make us a truly Christian nation - a blessed nation indeed.
    2. Give us a President who fear you and obeys your commands.
    3. Bring down unrighteous leaders and raise up righteous ones.
    4. Let there be moral and spiritual campaign among the masses of our people.
    5. Open the eyes of our people so we may see that we have been provoking your jealous heart because of our idolatry.

    May we humble ourselves, pray, seek your face and turn from our wicked ways... so you will hear us from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land...

  14. LORD, we claim Your promises upon our nation. We humble ourselves before You and ask Your forgiveness for our disobedience and unfaithfulness.
    We ask for Your blessing, LORD. Help us be salt and light to the other nations who still do not know You. Deliver our people from the evils of poverty, injustice, oppression, apathy and greed. Raise up leaders who are submitted to Your will. Protect us from calamities, sickness, and war. Plant the seeds of love and compassion in all of us that we may help each other and be united as one people again. Lead us to obey You in everything we do.
    Hear our prayers, LORD, and heal this nation. In JESUS' name I pray, AMEN.
