Believe that you can achieve.
Winners are not afraid to fail or be rejected. You've failed many times, although you may not remember. You fell down the first time you tried to swim, didn't you? Sharpshooters are the one who shoot the most and try out a lot. The famous Thomas Edison Failed 999 times before his light bulb succeeded. Don't worry about failure, worry about the chances you will miss if you won't even try.
Believe you can achieve something.
You are unique. You are special creation of God. There's no other you in the whole wide world. Out of the millions of sperms from your father you were the only one who survived. You emerge as the achiever, the winner, the champion, right from the very vary of your mother.
Believe you can achieve something BIG.
You are an incredible creation of God. God created you with 100 million receptors, ears with 24,00 fibers, 500 muscles, 200 bones, 7 miles of nerve fivers, 60,000 miles of blood vessels, 50,000 touch receptors and heart that pumps more than 1,000 gallons of blood each day.
Sometimes it takes personal sacrifice to make the extraordinary happen.
Believe you can achieve. Believe that you can make things happen.